It’s the Little Things That Can Make All The Difference!

Host Drivers,

Per driver input, we  are excited to announce that we are in the process of adding funnels with tubes on them to make adding anti freeze to the Prevost’s easier and also to help prevent coolant showers!  Please be sure not to leave them laying on the ground after using them.  Return them to the tote in the bay that holds extra engine fluids and supplies.

We are also in the process of adding 10′ sewage hoses to all the coaches, so instead of having to find a charter company to go dump, or back over the dump spot at a truck stop, you will be able to hook your hose up direct to the bus, then directly into the hole and take care of your tank at any dump station anywhere!  Loves and Flying J are still your best bets on the road, but now it will be much easier and neater!  Remember, these tubes are gravity fed.  When you disconnect from the coach, you will want to raise up the end in your hand (while using gloves, of course), and let liquids in the hose all drain into the sewer.  Then, rinse out the tube while it is still hooked to the drain.  You also have a water hose on board that you can use to refill your tank.