Host Driver Assistance Number Updates, End of Trip Trash Disposal, Tire Gauges Available, New Booking Software Almost Here and Uniform Info
Dial 404-500-6996 (to call Dan)
The host-driver assistance number (HDAN - pronounced "Dan" ...the H is silent) is your new "one stop shop" for anything you need regardless of the time of day! When you call, you will be greeted by Elizabeth offering you six options: maintenance, dispatch, immediate sales (within 24 hours), future sales, lost and found, and repeat menu. You can skip the menu at any time and it will direct you straight to the on-call person. During office hours it will direct you to the office and after hours it will direct you to the on-call person in each department. (Future sales and lost and found go to specific voicemail boxes after hours that are checked each day.) Please do not call anyone directly anymore, the HDAN will direct you straight to a mechanic or dispatcher who is on-call. Literally anything you need whether on a trip or about a future trip - call the HDAN. In an effort to allow our team to rest when they are not on-call, we have told everyone in the office that if they are not on-call, they are not required to answer phone calls or texts from host-drivers. If for some reason you are not able to reach the maintenance or dispatch on-call person through HDAN (they may be on the phone currently) call again and select the other person. If you have any questions about the new HDAN system, call HDAN. The only thing the HDAN won't be able to help you with is payroll questions. All payroll questions, requests for reimbursement, or anything involving money must be submitted in writing via email to
Under Pressure...Tire Gauges
As a host driver, one of the tools you are required to own is a tire gauge that can read up to 120 psi. If you have a tire issue on the road, it us unacceptable if you can't tell us what the tire pressure was before you departed that day. The majority of tire issues on the road can be prevented by keeping air pressure checked (and not running over curbs...) We now have tire gauges available for purchase in the office. Just email and let us know you need one and we will put it with your clipboard on your next trip. They are $22, and we can payroll deduct it.
Take Out The Papers and the Trash
Driver Tom to Ground Control
Automated Host-Driver Booking Software
We take delivery of our new automated host-driver booking software tomorrow. We are very excited to have created a better way to send out trip requests to host-drivers. Host-Drivers will receive trip requests via email with all the details already attached and will have 24 hours to respond before the trip is sent to the next host-driver. You will still be able to respond to the request after it has been sent to another host-driver, but it will be assigned to whoever replies first.
This new software will provide host-drivers with more time and more details before deciding to accept a trip. Once accepted, the trip will automatically be added to your schedule online.
This new software will also allow us to schedule further in advance than we could the traditional way of driver scheduling.
This new process may come with some growing pains, so please be patient with us as we perfect the process.
If you have any questions about the new software you can email
'Cause every Guest is Crazy Bout a Sharp Dressed Host Driver
If you are missing a component of your uniform, or if all of your shirts haven't come in, please contact elizabeth@eaglechristiantours and let her know what you need. All host drivers are expected to be in proper uniform for every trip. If you are having custom shirts made, remember that you must have the shirts approved at the office and take them to our authorized shop to have them embroidered.