This document has been prepared for: 

This individual is currently employed or applying for employment with: 

On this Date: 

Drivers are an extremely valuable resource for ’ business.  Their health and safety is a serious company concern.  Drug or alcohol use may pose a serious threat to driver health and safety.  It is, therefore, the policy of the company to prevent substance use or abuse from having an adverse effect on our drivers. maintains that the work environment is safer and more productive without the presence of alcohol, illegal or inappropriate drugs in the body or on property.  Furthermore, drivers have a right to work in an alcohol and drug-free environment and to work with drivers free from the effects of alcohol and drugs.  Drivers who abuse alcohol or use drugs are a danger to themselves, their coworkers and the 's assets.

The adverse impact of substance abuse by drivers has been recognized by the federal government.  The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has issued regulations which require the to implement a controlled substance testing program. will comply with these regulations and is committed to maintaining a drug-free workplace.  All drivers are advised that remaining drug-free and medically qualified to drive are conditions of continued employment with the Company.

Specifically, it is the policy of the company that the use, sale, purchase, transfer, possession or presence in one's system of any controlled substance (except medically prescribed drugs) by any driver while on company premises, engaged in Company business, while operating Company equipment, or while under the authority of the company is strictly prohibited.

FMCSA states that mandatory testing must apply to every person who operates a commercial motor vehicle in interstate or intrastate commerce and is subject to the CDL licensing requirement.

The execution and enforcement of this policy will follow set procedures to screen body fluids (urinalysis), conduct breath testing, and/or search all driver applicants for alcohol and drug use, and those drivers suspected of violating this policy who are involved in a US Department of Transportation (DOT) reportable accident or who are periodically or randomly selected pursuant to these procedures.  These procedures are designed not only to detect violations of this policy but to ensure fairness to each driver.  Every effort will be made to maintain the dignity of drivers or driver applicants involved.  Disciplinary action will, however, be taken as necessary.

Neither the policy nor any of its terms are intended to create a contract of employment or to contain the terms of any contract of employment. is an employment at will company. retains the sole right to change, amend or modify any term or provision of this policy without notice.  This policy is effective January 1, 2015, and will supersede all prior policies and statements relating to alcohol or drugs.

I have read, understood and agree to adhere to the information provided.

The federal requirements in effect at the time of the production of this document may not reflect all necessary Company, State or Municipal requirements related to Drug and Alcohol use or abuse. This document is intended to address requirements, responsibilities, or policies that apply specifically to you in this employment relationship. Please review the information carefully and understand how it impacts you. 

Company Zero Drug Tolerance

has a ZERO tolerance regarding substance abuse by its employees. strives to maintain compliance with United States Department of Transportation regulations as prescribed in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, Part 382, as well as all Title 49, Part 40. Copies of these regulations are contained within the company issued FMC “Safety Regulations” pocket manual.

Drug/substance testing is a pre-requisite for employment. All testing will be administered by a assigned clinic, in accordance with United States Department of Transportation (“USDOT”) guidelines. Any employee who refuses to submit to any required tests will be immediately dismissed by .  Any employee testing positive for a controlled substance will be terminated.

requires all employees to report to work and remain in a condition enabling them to perform their duties free from any drugs or alcohol. No employee shall be under the influence of any alcohol or drug, legal or illegal, which adversely affects his or her ability to perform his or her assigned duties in any way.  The unlawful possession, transfer, sale or use of any drug, while on company premises or on any charter trip (either on or off duty) is absolutely prohibited.

Employees who are under the influence of alcohol, or who possess or consume alcohol on the job, have the potential for interfering with their own, as well as their co-workers’ efficient job performance.  Such conditions will be proper cause for administrative action, up to and including termination of employment.  Alcoholic beverages may be served at functions only with prior approval by the owner of .

Employees who are convicted of off-the-job drug activity may be considered to be in violation of this policy.  In deciding what action to take, management will take into consideration the nature of the charges, the employee’s present job assignment, the employee’s record with and other factors relative to the impact of the employee’s arrest upon the conduct of ’s business.

Accepting items from passengers, customers or co-workers for ingestion while operating in a safety-sensitive capacity is prohibited. Ingestible items may contain substances that have known or unknown effects which may alter your ability to safely operate equipment. Additionally, inadvertent ingestion of these types of substances could affect your ability to maintain your CDL and should be avoided at all costs in your personal and private time. It is against the company zero drug tolerance policy and federal regulations to test positive for certain identified controlled substances, do not become a victim and jeopardize your employment or ability to maintain your CDL by accepting ingestible items of personally unknown origins. 

Employees undergoing prescribed medical treatment that include compounds of controlled substances such as Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC),  cannabinoids, Cannabidiol (CBD) or similar must be aware that this could violate federal licensing and drug testing requirements. Additionally, these compounds may violate the companies zero drug tolerance policies and be grounds for termination according to the published drug policy.

Employees undergoing prescribed medical treatment with controlled substances, which could affect their safety or job performance, should report this treatment to their supervisor. The use of controlled substances as a part of a prescribed medical treatment program is naturally not grounds for disciplinary action, although it is important for to know such use is occurring if it could affect safety or job performance.

I have read, understood and agree to adhere to the information provided.


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January 26, 2018 1:21 pm ESTDRUG AND ALCOHOL POLICY ADDENDUM Uploaded by CarSon Roes Roes - admin@ectsafety.com IP